UA-185816635-1 What do we do differently so you can consider us
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  • Dr. Wadie has been performing the Cleft Lift procedure for the last 13 years. He was trained by Dr. John Bascom who invented the procedure. This is Dr. Wadie’s procedure of choice for most patients.


  • Over the years, Dr. Wadie adopted few modifications particularly related to extensive disease extending all the way to the anus to achieve an excellent success rate of 99%. 


  • We also offer a less invasive procedure called “Pit Picking" (Trephination, Bascom I or GIPS procedure). This procedure is done under local anesthesia or minor sedation making it an attractive option to patients and families. However, not all patients are good candidates for this procedure and the success rate is less than the cleft lift procedure (see section under other procedures).


  • We evaluate every patient individually and come with a treatment plan that is the most suitable for your disease, lifestyle , job needs and location.


  • We offer a very unique system that accommodates patients who live outside the Raleigh area and even out of state. Dr. Wadie have been sending patients to their home state the same day with an excellent safety record. We can also see you the day before surgery and perform surgery the next day so we only spend one night in Raleigh. You can also follow up with us by telemedicine avoiding a return trip in most cases. It takes years of experience to be able to adopt such a system.


  • It is also important to emphasize that not all “cleft lifts” are the same. Just because a procedure is called a “cleft-lift” by one surgeon, doesn’t mean it is the true cleft lift as described and performed by Dr. Bascom, Dr. Karydakis or other surgeons with special interest and experience in the management of pilonidal disease. Dr. Wadie has seen many failed cleft-lifts performed by other surgeons that do not look anything like the procedure that he performs.


For this reason, when choosing a surgeon to treat pilonidal disease it is imperative to pick one with special interest and expertise in performing the cleft lift procedure. With patients now using online search engines to find a surgeon, there are no boundaries to where you can go and which surgeon to choose. This makes it more important to check the volume and results of your surgeon. Dr. Wadie has treated hundreds of patients for over 13 years with great success stories.  


Another thing to consider when choosing your surgeon or which procedure to be done is the fact that the first procedure is always the best procedure to achieve cure. The cleft lift works best for primary disease. After a failed procedure the condition usually gets worse and the disease becomes more extensive with open wounds all the way down to the anus. This makes a second procedure more challenging and the recurrence rate higher. For this reason, Dr. Wadie encourages all his patients to consider the cleft lift early in the disease process.


Remember, your first chance is your best chance.

What do we do differently so you can consider us: Text

Carolina Pilonidal Center

Phone: (919) 858-7020

Fax: (919) 859-5695

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