UA-185816635-1 What can go wrong after surgery? | Carolina Pilonidal Center
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  • Despite the fact that complications after the cleft lift are rare, it is important to know all the information you need before making a decision.


  • The most common is separation of the wound edges. This usually happens close to the lower part of the incision where tension on the edges is highest particularly with patients who have perianal disease. This usually is self resolving in 2-3 weeks and does not mean you have a recurrence.


  • Certain products can help this heal faster:

  1. If there is foul smelling drainage denoting contamination, using a specific antibiotic cream (Metronidazole cream) in high concentration (10%) twice daily can help the wound heal and get rid of the infection. Sometimes your pharmacy will not have the high concentration cream or your insurance will not cover it and in this case we will use the lower concentration.

  2. If the wound is superficial and there is no foul odor, painting the area with Manuka Honey and applying a specialized dressing to the area often helps it heal.


  • Recurrence can happen in 1-5% of cases. To minimize the chances of recurrence, it is important to keep the buttock area clean from all hair and minimize sitting for long periods of time. A shower at the end of each day to remove any collecting hair and sitting on soft surfaces can help reduce recurrence.


  • Other rare complications include wound infection, bleeding or formation of a fluid or blood collection under the skin (hematoma).

What can go wrong after surgery?: Text

Carolina Pilonidal Center

Phone: (919) 858-7020

Fax: (919) 859-5695

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